7 things that AREN’T true about James Home Services

7 things that aren’t true about James Home Services.

Whilst we get lots of different FAQ, we always get the same kind of things that people think are true of a franchise network… that for us, just aren’t.
So, here’s 7 things that aren’t true about James Home Services.

How much does it cost to start a cleaning franchise in 2024? 

You and I both know you clicked on this article for one reason – because you wanted a straight forward answer to this question… so here it is!  $1000 + GST upfront.  $125 + GST per week. And we provide your equipment.  Simple.   Now we’ve got the important stuff out of the way… let’s dive […]

Franchise or Solo: Navigating the Cleaning Business Maze

So, you’re thinking about launching your own cleaning business – the dream of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and watching your enterprise flourish. Exciting, right? But… there’s a few things that have been keeping you awake at night these last few months… some hurdles you’re not sure quite how to tackle on […]

“Support”: What does it mean? What does it look like?

“We provide great support”. “We provide ongoing training and support”. “Joining a franchise network, guarantees you the support you need”. “The biggest benefit of a franchise network is the support”. I bet if you had a dollar for every time, you’ve heard one of these phrases, then you’d probably have enough money in the bank […]

The Secret to a Successful Business

We all want the secret sauce don’t we! The secret to happiness, the secret to great relationships, the secret to fulfilment… and the secret to being successful in business. But I think by now, we know, there is no secret sauce! The clever ones amongst us, have figured out that a lot of this is […]

Don’t start a business on your own… until you’ve considered this!

Starting a cleaning business can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but it can also be intimidating. Many aspiring entrepreneurs have fears and doubts that can prevent them from taking the leap and starting their own business. In this blog, we’ll explore the most common fears that people have when starting a cleaning business, and […]

Balancing Family and Business: Why a James Home Services Franchise is the Perfect Fit

As a working parent, finding a business opportunity that allows you to balance your family commitments with your professional goals can be a daunting task. You want to provide for your family financially, but you also want to be there for your children and have the flexibility to manage your household responsibilities. If you’re searching […]

The first 12 weeks in your James Home Services Franchise in Cairns

Meet our team

What’s it really like to start a James Home Services Franchise in Far North Queensland, Cairns, and the Atherton Tablelands? How do I get customers? How will I learn to quote correctly? What training and ongoing support will I receive? It’s likely you’re asking these questions and more right now. Starting a new business can […]