Five reasons why hiring a cleaner can be good for your mental health

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and trying to keep up with the demands of our busy lives. From work and family obligations to social engagements and personal hobbies, it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done. This can lead to high levels […]

5 things every business owner should know about tax

Maybe the most daunting element of starting a new business, is understanding your legal obligations as a business owner. There’s so much, you need to be aware of, compliant in, registered for and reporting to the correct agency for. So, we asked our accountants of choice, Halpin Partners Accountants to create a super simple checklist […]

Why choose James to start your business

Be warned, this article is not like the rest of the ‘why you should choose us’ articles on the internet. We’re not about to sell you our ‘benefits’, or tell you how wonderful we are. We’re not about to come up with five pretty cushy reasons to choose us. Nope. We’re about to do none […]

In this episode of Influence by Design…

CEO, Rhiannon Simcocks, recently featured on an episode of Influence by Design with Samantha Riley where they deep dived into the interesting topic of innovation culture. Innovation is so much more than tweaking or improving systems and processes, it demands hard work to genuinely do something for the first time and make sure it succeeds. During […]

Is a franchise for me?

Owning a franchise isn’t for everyone. Maybe you think it odd that a franchise network, which surely wants to sell as many franchises as possible, would make that statement so overtly. But for us, it’s a reality. And identifying the right ‘fit’ early in our sales process is critical to ensure you don’t wind up […]

What size territory do I get with a James Home Services cleaning franchise? 

We get this question a lot from potential cleaning franchisees… and there’s good reason for it; it’s really important you understand the ‘area’ you are being granted rights to trade in by your Franchise Agreement. It is after all, what your business is based on, and what your buying!  So, in this blog post, we’re […]

What is an exclusive franchise territory?

Heard the term ‘exclusive territory’ in your franchise research and wondered what on earth it means? Let’s cover off the three key things you need to know about an exclusive territory in the franchising world… 1. What is an exclusive territory? Service-based franchises often operate based on this concept of an ‘exclusive territory’. So what […]

As a franchisee, how many jobs will you send me?

As a franchisee, how many jobs will you send me?

Of all the questions we get asked by people researching joining a franchise network, this question is the most asked question. And there’s a good reason for that! For most people, joining a franchise network is their first step into the world of business ownership. They’ve never started their own business from scratch before, and […]

How to tell a ‘good franchise’

Meet our team

Rhiannon Simcocks | CEO | James Home Services Australia I was recently a guest on ‘The Financial Freedom Secrets Show’ podcast hosted by Jackson Millan; the Wealth Mentor. We talked about how to create wealth from your business, and the challenges and opportunities right now in franchising, and in the home services sector. Jackson asked […]